Tag: Video
Dreams are Cruel
Dreams Are Cruel – Cristina Tovar from Backroom Caracas on Vimeo. Dreams are Cruel is a fragment of the medium-length film Big Ocean of Blues (2016), the most recent work by Cristina Tovar, a Venezuelan filmmaker based in Madrid. It’s an experimental video narrated in first-person, equal parts diaristic and epistolary, oneiric and quotidian. From | … |
Dreams are Cruel
Por Cristina Tovar. Se trata de un video experimental narrado en primera persona, igual partes diarístico y epistolar, onírico y cotidiano. Desde el abandono a las secuelas sensoriales de un amor perdido, Tovar construye un discurso descarnado, honesto y a la vez profundamente estético sobre el deseo femenino.
Rigor Mortis
Rigor Mortis; a digital photograph of about 84 by 97 centimeters shows my two arms. One in normal state; the other numb, cold, purple, blue, green, cadaverous, dead. Both resting on white linen, reminiscent of a shroud, perhaps like the Shroud of Turin, that forgery in which many still believe to see the reliable miraculous | … |
Rigor Mortis
Por Carlos Salazar Lermont. Rigor Mortis; una fotografía digital de aproximadamente ochenta y cuatro por noventa y siete centímetros, muestra mis dos brazos. Uno, en estado normal; el otro entumecido, frío, morado, azul, verde, cadavérico, como muerto. Ambos reposan sobre lino blanco, reminiscente de una mortaja, quizás a alguna como el Sudario de Turín, aquella falsificación en la cual muchos todavía creen ver la fidedigna impresión milagrosa del polémico nazareno.
José Joaquín Figueroa
José Joaquín Figueroa (Caracas, 1986) is an interdisciplinary artist currently based in Berkeley, California. He began his artistic training in Caracas, where he studied Painting at the Universidad Experimental de las Artes (2007-2010), and continued later at the Skowhegan School for Painting and Sculpture (2009). He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Art from the Cooper Union | … |