On April 14, we enjoyed the presence of Kelly Gordon in two key spaces for the study and experimentation of contemporary Venezuelan art: Hacienda La Trinidad Parque Cultural and Centro de Arte Los Galpones. We began the afternoon with the «Best of Best» workshop, imparted by the curator in charge of our year-long program Global Visions: Insights into International Moving Image Art, to occur in Caracas and Maracaibo. The talk consisted of an anthological tour through the most relevant names in the world of video art. We ended the day at the G17 of Los Galpones, with the public talk titled “Best of Now”. Kelly Gordon took us through some of the greatest contemporary projects—many of which had her name as part of the mounting team.
Below are most of the references that Kelly Gordon shared with the public to encourage their musings on video art, which she deems to be «the fastest growing and most popular of all current contemporary art.»
Best of Best
Pipilotti Rist (1962, Switzerland), Selfless in a Bath of Lava, 1994.
Pipilotti Rist, Pour Your Body Out (7354 Cubic Meters), 2008. Installation at MoMA.
Hito Steyerl (1966, Germany), How Not to be Seen: A Fucking Didactic Educational .MOV File, 2013.
Robert Wilson (1941, USA), Video Portraits, Lady Gaga, 2013.
Jamie Zigelbaum (1978, USA), Doorway to the Soul, 2015.
Christian Marclay (1961, USA), The Clock, 2010. 24-hour-long video.
Kelly Richardson (1972, Canada). Exiles of The Shattered Star, 2006.
Best of Now
Siebren Versteeg (1971, USA), Neither There Nor There, 2005.
Guido van der Werve (1977, Netherlands), Nummer acht, everything is going to be all right, 2007.
Guido van der Werve (1977, Netherlands) Nummer veertien, home, 2013.
Kimsooja (1957, South Korea), Needle Woman, 2005.
Richard Mosse (1980, Ireland) The Enclave, 39′ 25”, 2012-2013. 16mm infrared film. Produced in the Republic of Congo.
Julian Rosefeldt (1965, Germany), Manifesto, 2015.
Ragnar Kjartansson (1976, Iceland), The Visitors, 2012.
Superflex (Danish art collective founded in 1993), Flooded McDonald’s, 2009.
Tabor Robak (1986, USA), Drinking Bird Seasons, 2015.
Gerco de Ruijter (1961, Netherlands), Crops, 2012. Stop motion animation, 4 minutes.
Doug Aitken (1968, USA), Song 1, 2012. Video projection. Total time: 00:34:42.
Rafael Lozano Hemmer (1967, Mexico), Vectorial Elevation, 1999-2000. Public space installation with robotic lights being controlled through internet.
Ori Gersht (1967, Israel), Pomegranate, 2006.
Kelly Gordon’s visit was possible thanks to the support from the Embassy of the United States of America in Caracas. We worked in collaboration with our recurring allies: Hacienda La Trinidad Parque Cultural, Centro de Arte Los Galpones, and, on this occasion, also Cerveza Zulia.