
Focus: Jonathan Monaghan

Jonathan Monaghan's solo exhibition


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febrero 20 - marzo 21 / 2016

Hacienda La Trinidad Parque Cultural
Secadero 3
Av. Rafael Rangel Sur
Urb. Sorokaima, La Trinidad
Caracas, Venezuela


“I’m very interested in the boundaries between what’s real and what’s virtual. I think in the digital age we have to be careful.” Jonathan Monaghan.


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With a fluidity of mediums and meanings, artist Jonathan Monaghan (born New York, 1986) uses computer animation software and digital fabrication methods to create thought-provoking works that convey collective fears surrounding wealth, power and technology, while exploring the blurry boundaries between reality, imagination and virtuality. His first solo show in Latin America Focus: Jonathan Monaghan has been curated by Kelly Gordon and will feature selected computer animated films. The exhibition launches the program Global Visions: Insights into International Moving Image Art, an initiative proposed by Backroom Caracas and developed by Gordon that will bring exhibitions, screenings and talks to Caracas and Maracaibo. This program counts with the support from the Office of Public Affairs at the US Embassy in Caracas.


“Moving image art is the fastest growing and most popular of all current contemporary art,” says former Hirshhorn Museum curator Kelly Gordon, who was invited by Venezuelan contemporary art platform Backroom Caracas to develop a year-long program devoted to moving image art. Global Visions: Insights into International Moving Image Art aims to encourage Venezuelan audiences to interface with this vital international phenomenon.


Focus: Jonathan Monaghan will be on view in Caracas at Hacienda La Trinidad Parque Cultural and then will travel to the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del Zulia in Maracaibo, thanks to an alliance with both institutions.




Jonathan Monaghan (New York, 1986) is a digital artist with a BA in Computer Graphics from the New York Institute of Technology and an MFA from the University of Maryland. With a fluidity of mediums and meanings, the artist uses computer animation software and digital fabrication methods to create thought-provoking works that convey collective fears surrounding wealth, power and technology, while exploring the blurry boundaries between reality, imagination, and virtuality.


His works have been displayed at the Sundance Film Festival, British Film Institute, Hirshhorn Museum (Washington DC), Rotterdam International Film Festival, Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art, Contemporary Art Centre of Thessaloniki, Museum of Contemporary African Diasporan Art (Brooklyn), Bitforms gallery (New York), Curator’s Office (Washington DC), and Queens Museum of Art (New York).


His work has also been featured in The Washington Post, VICE, The Wall Street Journal, The Huffington Post and The Village Voice.


Artist’s website: jonmonaghan.com




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Extell, by Jonathan Monaghan.


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Read Kelly Gordon’s texts on Monaghan’s Escape Pod, Dauphin 007 and Rainbow Narcosis!


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10 questions to Jonathan Monaghan, a conversation with Natasha Tiniacos.


Fotos por Vladimir Marcano.


HEADSPACE: Strategies for exploring digital art, by Kelly Gordon.